Back in the elementary schools days when your teacher would ask "What do you want to be when you grow up?", I'm almost positive that most kids wouldn't say a dentist. If I'm REALLY being honest, I'm pretty sure...
Everyone has that moment in life which teaches them an unforgettable life lesson. Mine happened to teach me the importance of connections. As a business minor, it has been ingrained into my mind to always take advantage of meeting new...
Hey guys, I'm back! These past few weeks have been a little chaotic; My roommate and I moved into our apartment, I started my fall semester, and just yesterday NC State declared that all classes are being moved online. Just when things...
his past weekend I went through sorority recruitment at NC State University. I know, the idea is controversial, simply because of the stereotype it holds behind it. I am an Indian girl that was very hesitant to go through this process...
Whenever I tell people that I want to be a Dentist, the responses vary; with some intrigued with the career path and others wary at the fact that I want to make a whole career centered around teeth. The field of Dentistry, like most extends beyond just teeth...
After about a year and a half, life is in the gradual transition of returning back to normal. I use the word normal with leniency, since the normal that we once used to know is very different to what it is today. With my time in quarantine, and with the circumstances that COVID-19...
In this past week, I had the opportunity to shadow at an Orthodontic practice and was able to observe not only the procedures but also the interactions between Dr.Marsh (the orthodontist) and his patients. More so than the work that was being done on the teeth, I noticed the importance of the relationships...
I've wanted to be a Dentist for as long as I can remember. Along this journey, I have had my fair share of experiences which spark new interests within me. Some of them become my minors, some become hobbies, but none have been influencing enough to change my career path as a whole. That is of course, with the exception of one; teaching...
Often times, it takes the most difficult situations to alter our mindset, behavior and future plan of action. If we take any movie or TV show we've watched, or any book we've read, it becomes evident that character development is a product of an unexpected, difficult situation. When I decided to join Delta Zeta...
As junior year comes to a close and bittersweet senior year slowly creeps up, my dream of a becoming a Dentist is not so out of reach as it once was. Through volunteering, shadowing and working, I have had the chance to witness both General Dentistry as well as Orthodontics. This summer, I was given the opportunity to intern within Little Tooth Co, a Pediatric Dentistry...
When it comes to discussing habits, it is understood that they develop all through adulthood; both the good and bad follow us through life and guide our good and sometimes troublesome behaviors...
When I was younger, one of my most defining summer memories included the reading challenge at my local library. I recall seeking out the colored cardstock paper headlined with grade level...
The dental field is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring oral health and the well-being of a diverse patient population. One of the most prominent challenges within this realm are language barriers...
As dental technology has advanced over the years, it has redefined the way oral health is understood, diagnosed, and treated. For those who plan to pursue a career in dentistry, it becomes crucial to keep pace with emerging tech trends as it shapes the essence of patient care...
can confidently say that sleep is important to just about everyone, as it not only is a crucial biological process, but also a relaxing and uninterrupted period of bliss. Sleep quality can be assessed through a variety of factors, one of which is our oral health...
Through my presence in the dental field, I have countlessly heard the phrase “your mouth is the window to your overall health”, but what does that truly entail? Surprisingly enough, your mouth biome is connected to health conditions that extend beyond the oral cavity...
Anesthesia within dentistry plays an important role as it allows dental care to be provided to those who may not be willing or able to receive it otherwise. Although used generally within the field, my experience working in the Pediatric realm highlighted its use amongst young children, and those with special needs...